What is the Farmers to Families Food Box Program?
Due to reduced consumer demand, Farmers are destroying unwanted food, while millions cannot afford groceries. The pandemic is hurting both producers and consumers, but part of the problem can be the solution. We need your help to bring food to those who need it most. Discover on this page how the program works, Harvest’s role in this, and how you can get involved, to help provide for these families.

Farmers Have Unwanted Food.
Since restaurants and other food buyers have significantly reduced ordering, farmers are now faced with destroying crops and livestock they can’t sell.
Yet, the need for food is growing.
The rise in unemployment is attributing to a rise in the number of those who can’t afford basic groceries. Many shelters, food banks, and other humanitarian organizations are experiencing challenges with funding and feeding due to the crisis.
These numbers are a part of the solution.
Billion Dollars Available for the Program
Distributors With Contracts
Million Food Boxes Delivered to Families as of June 10th.
So, how does this program work?
Now that we’ve become a little more familiar with what exactly the problem is and that there is a solution available, we’re sure you’re wondering how the program actually works. As a result of this particular problem, the USDA decided to fund a new program for all the hungry Americans. As part of the CARES Act, congress approved $3B dollars for use in this program. Afterwards, suppliers put in bids with the USDA. 198 of these companies were selected and approved for their contract. So, farmers have excess food, distributors have funding to buy that food, and many hungry people are ready to receive support.
So, how does this program work?
However, there is still one piece of the chain we haven’t discussed yet. Before the food can reach a family it has to be boxed by the distributor and then shipped to a Food Bank. For obvious reasons, these Food Banks play a critical role in the last step of the chain. They are responsible for both the a short-term store house, and also for participating in the widest part of the distribution. They are the hubs for each of the communities they serve. This is where HIS Envoy’s Group comes in… with your help!
Here is a short overview by our Program Coordinator, Bethany Miller.
The Farmers to Families Food Box Program was established to support farmers and provide food for the hungry. The goal of the program is to redirect the surplus of food produced by farmers and then distribute it to families in need. We accomplish this by partnering with non-profits, shelters, food banks, and other humanitarian organizations.
Our call to action.
Harvest is uniquely positioned to help these families in need. In partnership with our sister company, Envoy Financial, we have the means to help connect and coordinate Food Banks to the 198 distributors. HIS Envoy’s role in all of this is simply to help aid in the connections that need to be made. This program, through the USDA, does not focus on helping to connect non-profits and suppliers. Rather, they leave it up to all the different organizations to make their own contacts. We have a unique position to help connect Food Banks and Distributors. Envoy, our sister company, is one of the largest suppliers of 403(b) plans to non-profits across the states. Because of this, we have many pre-existing relationships and connections with organizations who can greatly benefit to partnering together through this crisis. We simply want to do our role in helping to provide food for the many families in need.
Can your Ministry or Non-Profit serve as a Food Bank?
Whether your organization can serve directly as a Food Bank, or indirectly by helping us increase our pool of connections, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us to help, or to begin a conversation. We can provide you with additional information that might help make the difference in your participation.
Or, if you are ready to get started, fill out the information box below and our Program Coordinator, Bethany Miller, will reach out to you promptly.
(630) 613-9230
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