Acting in your Best Interest
At Harvest Investment Services we uphold and abide by the Fiduciary Standard to act solely in your best interest. We do not look to sell you a product, but real solutions that are tailored to your needs. In order for us to do this we believe that you have to first diagnose your current situation and we do so by building a Comprehensive Financial Plan. Having a financial plan will give us the full view of your financial world so we can give you sound advice.
Click Learn More to see the Harvest Fiduciary Contract & Code of Ethics
The Fiduciary vs. Suitability Standard
At Harvest Investment Services we uphold and abide by the Fiduciary Standard to act solely in your best interest AT ALL TIMES. The suitability standard does not require you to act in someones best interest. With the Conflict of Interest Rule being implemented advisors operating under the suitability standard (selling you a commission based product) will have you sign a Best Interest Contract Exemption (BICE). By signing a BICE you are giving consent for the advisor to sell you what is deemed a prohibited transaction.
Click Learn More to see the comparison side by side
A Different Way of Investing
All of our AlphaSolutions investment models have downside risk controls. Each model has its own set of rules to help protect you in the event of the next major market decline We do not follow the typical schools of thought or try and predict the future of what is going to happen. We simply stick to our Investment Philosophy by tactically managing your portfolio to help you “Harvest Gains and Limit Losses”.
Click Learn More to see our Investment Philosophy