Farmers to Families Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will USDA provide guidance to distributors of what non-profit organizations to supply?
A: No. USDA will not offer guidance on what non-profit organizations to supply. Non-profit organizations receiving food must be able to demonstrate operational and financial capability to receive, store and distribute requested food items.
Q: What if an organization is interested in providing additional logistical support to connect distributors with hard to reach rural or tribal areas?
A: Organizations may partner with contracted distributors to determine partnership opportunities, including additional support logistics.
Q: What will USDA be doing to ensure that non-profit organizations in rural areas will be able to participate in the program?
A: USDA reserves the right to negotiate with distributors to serve rural areas through the procurement process if no offers are received. However, if offers are not received for specific areas of the country, there is a possibility non-profit organizations in that area will not be able to receive products under this program. USDA recommends non-profit organizations work with their local distributors or manufacturers to ensure they submit an offer.
Q: Could non-profit organizations have this delivered by the pallet rather than in boxes?
A: No. Distributors will be required as part of the contract with USDA to package products into boxes which allows for easier distribution at non-profit organizations with limited volunteer assistance. A non-profit might instead receive a pallet of pre-packed boxes.
Q: Is it a first come first serve process? Or will there be caps on volume?
A: The total dollar amount available for each product category is the limit on volume. USDA will make every attempt within the offers received to distribute the available funds to maximize the delivery of food products to non-profit organizations across the country.
Q: How many pounds of food per box of dairy, protein and produce?
A: Distributors and non-profit organizations will be allowed to mutually agree on the size and weight of the box, as well as the pack sizes of products within the box.
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