AlphaSolutions Overview

Tactical Strategies
We focus on Fact-Based Investing (tactical investing) through our AlphaSolutions investment strategies. We believe that FACTS are more useful in the Stock Market than mere speculation.

Downside Risk Controls
Our AlphaSolutions investment models are Rules Based Models that have downside risk controls that help to identify trends and high-performance portfolio selection analysis.

Tactical Strategies
We seek to take advantage of bullish markets where underlying fundamentals are strong. We hedge positions in the portfolio when we see weakness and also, against the threat of inflation to “Harvest Gains & Limit Losses.”
Our Tactical Approach
Our buy strategy seeks to take advantage of bullish markets where underlying fundamentals are strong. We hedge positions in the portfolio when we see weakness and also, against the threat of inflation. Our strategy uses Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s) and individual securities that are chosen from our fundamental and technical analysis.

Harvest Investment Services, LLC uses Fact-Based investing through our AlphaSolutions investment strategies that give downside risk protection to help, “Harvest Gains and Limit Losses.” Our models succeed because they are Rules Based Models. We do not try to forecast, time the market or follow any specific economic theory. We seek to invest in high performing momentum based equity and bond positions, using asset class and sector rankings to determine what is performing the based in real time. If the Market is bullish we are long in the Market (Qtr2-Qtr4), and if the Market is bearish we are long in cash/fixed income (Qrt1).
Market benefits from multi-year periods of dramatically-rising prices are called ‘Secular’ Bull Markets, followed by multi-year periods during which the Market suffers big hits. These are called ‘Secular’ Bear Markets. In Secular Bull Markets, demand is clearly and conspicuously in control – whereas in Secular Bear Markets, supply and demand fight a see-saw battle, each gaining the upper-hand for a period of time. During a Secular Bear Market, it is very difficult for a buy-and-hold investor to do well, but for Fact-Based Investing, there can be opportunities. By combining trend identification and high-performance portfolio selection, our AlphaSolutions Models give us what we believe to be the best chance of achieving our twin goals: to Prosper in Bull Markets, and Protection from Bear Markets.

Our strategy is not the conventional “Buy, Hold, and Hope” approach. We do not have high up-front costs or high surrender charges. Furthermore, we act as Fiduciaries; helping you to the best of our ability, achieve your financial objectives.
Investment Models
All of our AlphaSolutions investment models have different rules and are tactically managed. Click on the link below to see some of the different investment model strategies we offer.